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Designer Lounging Furniture: Bungee Chairs

Bungee chairs not only provide comfort, but also increase the elegance of your outdoor settings. They are perfect for sunbathing and relaxing with your family. These furnitures also have a great versatility. During colder weather, you can carry it indoors and have it placed in front of a fireplace. It will make a great place to cuddle up with a cup of hot chocolate and a good book.
What Material are bungee cord chairs made of?
Bunjo Bungee chairs come in a wide range of price. So you will always find something to suit your budget. Whatever be the cost, they never fail to provide the same greater benefits. Given below is a list of the different materials used in making these chairs.
Plastic – plastic bungee cord chairs are the cheapest in the lot. These do not get damaged on coming in contact with water. They are very lightweight, hence easier to carry around. However, these chairs tend to fade if exposed to the sun for a long time.
Wicker – wicker chairs lend a very elegant and laidback ambiance to wherever it is placed. They are available in a mid to high range prices. The major drawback is that these chairs tend to get affected by mildew and become brittle when exposed to humid conditions.
Aluminum – aluminum chairs are very lightweight and also very durable. They do not get corroded easily. These chairs are also very low maintenance, occasional scrubbing with a steel wool is enough to keep it looking brand new.
Wrought iron – wrought iron bungee cord chairs are usually stationary and kept in parks and other public spaces. These are more expensive than the others and need to be sandpapered and painted from time to time.
Wooden – wooden chairs are usually very expensive. They come with a warranty seal and also need frequent maintenance.
Advantages of bungee cord chairs
These chairs are best for stretching out in the sun. Unlike normal chairs, you can even adjust them to lie down completely flat on your back. Here is a list of different uses for a cord chair.
Take your bungee chair out in the open and stretch out for an afternoon nap. To avoid getting sunburned, keep the chair under a shade.
Reading in the open air is simply amazing. You can adjust the chair to the most comfortable position. The soft padding will give you superior comfort and allow you to read while also catching some sun rays at the same time.
Bunjo cord bungee chairs are very easy to be carried around. You can place it in your lawns on Sundays and recline while spending a great time with family. You can also use it for afternoon tea and sky watching during clear breezy nights.
Decoration for the lawn
Having a few bungee chairs placed on the lawns will give a stylish look to the entire house. You can enjoy your morning tea in these and also use it to sit down and catch up on some chit chats with friends.
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